Κυριακή 26 Οκτωβρίου 2014

O Κύριος Οριζόντιος & η Δεσποινίς Κάθετη: Ένα μινιμαλιστικό εικονο - βιβλίο για το πώς γινόμαστε αυτοί που είμαστε! / Mister Horizontal & Miss Vertical: A Minimalist Picture-Book about How We Become Who We Are

O Κύριος Οριζόντιος & η Δεσποινίς Κάθετη: Ένα μινιμαλιστικό εικονο - βιβλίο για το πώς γινόμαστε αυτοί που είμαστε!
Λέγεται ότι "όποιοι είμαστε και ό,τι γινόμαστε εξαρτάται, εν μέρει, από αυτούς τους οποίους αγαπάμε."
Το ότι οι γονείς μάς διαμορφώνουν αποτελεί μία γενική παραδοχή, που διερευνάται με αξιοσημείωτη λεπτότητα και εφευρετικότητα, στο "O Κύριος Οριζόντιος & η Δεσποινίς Κάθετη"  (δημόσια βιβλιοθήκη) από τον Γάλλο συγγραφέα Noémie Révah και Ιταλίδα εικονογράφο Olimpia Zagnoli - μια εννοιολογική, μινιμαλιστική, με εξαιρετικά ευχάριστα γραφικά δημιουργία, μια γεωμετρική μεταφορά,  εντελώς πρωτότυπη τόσο στην ουσία όσο και το στυλ.
It is said that "who we are and who we become depends, in part, on whom we love." But it depends perhaps even more on who loved each other before they came to love us – parenting shapes not only our psychological constitution, from our capacity for fertile solitude to our relationship with achievement, but perhaps most palpably our physical. Genetics bestows its blessings and curses upon us with more uncompromising despotism than any of the other cards we're dealt in life.
How parents shape our own becoming is the premise, explored with remarkable subtlety and ingenuity, behind Mister Horizontal & Miss Vertical (public library) by French writer Noémie Révah and Italian illustrator Olimpia Zagnoli – a conceptual, minimalist, maximally delightful graphic book that calls to mind Norton Juster's vintage classic The Dot and the Line in its geometric metaphors for temperament, yet is completely original in both substance and style.
It is also a beautiful celebration of art and science – the idea was inspired by French poet and photographer René Maltête's iconic image of a boardwalk-strolling family's visual metaphor for genetics:

We meet Mister Horizontal, who "loves everything that glides" and "a warm soak in a big bathtub" and "walking in the desert, with sand as far as the eye can see."
Mister Horizontal
We meet Miss Vertical, who loves "looping through the air" and "is crazy about rockets" and "can often be found on staircases."
Miss Vertical
Zagnoli – who also illustrated a recent exquisite edition of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz – uses flat primary colors to bring bewitching dimension to Révah's words.

After listing all of Mister Horizontal and Miss Vertical's varied likes, the final pages ask:
Now what do you think...
...their child would love?
...their child !!!

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