Τετάρτη 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

Οι καλύτερες διευθύνσεις για να βρείτε τους πιο δημοφιλείς (και Χρήσιμους) δικτυακούς τόπους για Εκπαιδευτικούς - 2012 (μέχρι τώρα)

I periodically post “most popular” lists of websites (and books) that I think educators might find useful. Of course, there are a number of ways to gauge “popularity.” I just view these lists as opportunities to check-out some new sites, and find it interesting to see which ones might be particularly “popular.”
I’ve made quite a few posts that fit into this category, and thought I’d highlight which ones I thought were the best and most useful for educators.
You might also be interested in previous editions:
The Best Places To Find The Most Popular (& Useful) Resources For Educators –2011
The Best Places To Find The Most Popular (& Useful) Resources For Educators –2010
The Best Places To Find The Most Popular (& Useful) Resources For Educators –2009
Here are my choices for The Best Places To Find The Most Popular (& Useful) Resources For Educators — 2012 (So Far):
The Internet Map shows you the most popular websites in the world, and in each country.
Yahoo News has a page that regularly updates their list of most popular articles.
I’d like to share a page from one of the biggest newspapers in the United Kingdom, The Guardian, that is regularly updated and shares a ranked list of their most popular stories.
This is from Smithsonian Magazine: Our Most Popular Videos of All Time.
Repinly shows you what boards, “pinners,” and categories are most popular on Pinterest. They don’t seem to have an Education category — not yet, at least. It does seem somewhat interesting, though. Boy, some of the most popular boards have over three million followers.
Here is how MSN.now describes itself:
We scour the most interesting trends from real-time sources like Twitter, Facebook, Bing, YouTube and BreakingNews.com, so you’ll always know what’s happening with the hottest social trends and stories on the Web. Then our expert editors add key insights on why a story is trending, if it’s true and where to find out more…. We summarize trends in 100 words or less…
The Guardian’s Viral Video Chart” posts a list of the most popular ten videos on the Web each week.
I often find articles on the Fast Company magazine website useful and interesting, and just discovered that they have a weekly list of their top ten most popular stories.
Here’s the page where you can find a constantly updated list of the most popular articles from one of my favorite magazines, The Smithsonian.
The Huffington Post’s “Most Popular” page shares the stories, videos and slideshows that readers of the Huffington Post, one of the most visited sites on the Web, have shared or visited the most.

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